Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Sorry all of you in TV (computer?) land, I just have to vent on this subject. I hate it when people register improperly for their weddings!!! We just got invited to a wedding shower for a girl we've met twice. Spoken to once. But we know her family in our branch, so we got invited. I printed off her 2 registries (one at Bed Bath & Beyond, the other at Target) and they were as thick as a phone book! And there were many duplicate items, some occurring between the two registries and some on the same registry! After reviewing items, (most of which were expensive) I had some questions for the happy couple:
Do you realize that all this stuff will NOT fit in your tiny "just married" apartment?
Do you realize that you look greedy, no matter if you are or not?
Do you really want two toasters or was this an oversight?
Are you leaving it up to the fates which toaster you get?
Do you really think someone wants to buy you a hairdryer?
Do you really think someone wants to buy you a $30 toilet brush?
Do you really want to open that at a shower?
And I could go on...
I realize that it's fun to create a wish list and you want nice stuff and all, but please think about others as well! I'd rather have a smaller list and get most of it than a huge list and get hardly anything!
I worked at good ol' BB&B for a year and half. During that time I helped thousands of people shop off of registries as well as helped dozens of couples create a registry. I know my stuff, and it drives me crazy when people don't follow proper registry etiquette. I wish I could instruct people on how to do this properly! Don't even get me started on bad weddings/receptions!!!
The photos above are displays that I did at BB&B when I worked there. I don't miss retail except for making displays!
I'm curious to hear if anyone else has difficulties with other people's registries. I'd also love a good (bad?) wedding/reception story if you got one!


Marleen said...

I love the hairdryer comment. I guess I never knew registries could be that annoying other than trying to find the gift in the store. I'm all for sending money, even if the amount is small unless it's someone I'm really close to. If the lists were that frustrating I say just get them soap. It's cheap and you can find one or some that match her bathroom decor. Happy shopping.

Stefanie said...

I love this vent - makes me smile:)