Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My own gallery show

So I have the opportunity to apply for a slot in the student gallery in the fall and have like a one week exhibition. I could do a solo show, or I could have a call for entries and show other people's work as well. What kind of theme should I do? Is it selfish to have my own show? Would anyone come to my "artist's reception"? Do I have enough of one theme to do a show? I could probably fill a room with old decrepit barn photos, but will that be boring? Decepit barns and houses are everywhere here!

I have to think quick and come up with a proposal soon, the deadline is April 12th! I could also sit on the jury panel and help decide who gets in, but since I want to submit as well, it's probably a conflict of interest. It would look good on a resume, though!

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