Friday, April 18, 2008

Nativity Set

Here is a pic of my third (out of four) project for my Beginning Casting class (aka Jewelry class). It took a lot of time to sculpt these figures out of wax, cast them and do clean up AND build a habitat for them! I wound up having to re-do the shepherd and a wise man that did not turn out (I think the bronze got blocked in the mold while casting, all I got was half a shepherd! He looked like the wicked witch of the west melting!) so there was even more work than what appears. I also soldered together some sheet metal to create a star.

My mom and I collect Nativity Sets (and I designed a paper-doll style one a few years ago) so I thought it would be great to make one out of bronze while I am in this class...originally I was going to do this on the side but it wound up being one of my projects!

I really love this class and and am sad that it's ending...I really like my teacher and classmates, too. If it was a perfect world I'd be able to take all the Metals classes....if I have room in my schedule later on I'll take Beginning Fabrication, where you learn beginning metal techniques (hammering, rivets, soldering, bezel setting, etc).


Stefanie said...

WOW!!! This amazing!!!!!! You are so talented!!

Aimee said...

This looks wonderful! You amaze me!

Marleen said...

That is amazing. You got talent my friend. I have a few nativity collectables. You should open your own etsy shop. I love the cutouts I've received from you.