Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Being Green

Happy Earth Day, everyone. Please take care of our earth- it's our only one! And don't even get me started on people calling themselves "green" when they don't do anything different than before! My family and I have been "green" well before it was cool...we've recycled as long as I can remember and still take the time to recycle even though we don't have curbside service anymore. We try not to waste things, like gas or water. And we re-purpose items so we don't have to buy replacements. We donate usable items to Goodwill instead of throwing them out.

My scrapbook magazine had tips for "green" scrapbooking...what a joke! No matter what you do, scrapbooking entails 1) paper (you're killing trees) and 2) embellishments packaged in plastic! They suggested using junk mail in your scrapbooks, but it looked bad and it's not acid-free! I think that if you do things right in the first place (acid-free everything, timeless designs) then you won't have to create waste and re-do it later. My mom bought all these magnetic albums in the 80's and they have to be thrown out cause they're not good for anything- they're NOT archival! That was a lot of wasted time and money and energy on her part back then. I'm trying to do things the right way in the first place.

The earth has been in trouble for a long time...how come it's only popular NOW to be "green"?

I was appalled at a fellow YSA girl who had the opinion that since the earth will one day burn and turn into paradise, that it doesn't matter how we treat it now. I'm like, yes it does!

The above picture is one I took of the Niagara River, which feeds Niagara Falls.


Lisa said...

Pretty picture.
I love recycling! I feel guilty if I don't. I can't stand to throw things away if I know it's still usable.
I'm debating right now whether to start using cloth diapers or not. Mostly to save money, but helping the earth is a positive side effect.

Marleen said...

It's a wonderful thing that going "green" is finally getting popular. It's about time and there is a great feeling about going "green". Thanks for the BB&B info. I mostly put that in so people wouldn't think I bought all of that stuff. Have a happy Earth day.