Wednesday, October 1, 2008


A couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is where I don't create enough estrogen and my body goes haywire trying to compensate. You can read more about it here at WebMD if you wish. It wasn't a big surprise, I'd been wondering if I had it for awhile. I'm to take medication and I have to start taking better care of myself. The information I read greatly stresses losing weight and becoming more fit, especially since this condition can lead to diabetes and heart disease. It's still a lot to take in though. The doctor told me I'd likely need help if I ever tried to get pregnant.

So I set the date of today, October 1st, 2008 as the day to start changing- to move around more and be more conscientious of what I eat. The thought of having to change so much has been overwhelming, but last night while reading the scriptures I was struck by verses in Alma..."By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." I just have to start doing small, simple things. My goals are to exercise in the student gym three times a week, I also am going to watch what I eat and not overload on seconds. I'm going to try to eat like I did as a missionary- I didn't eat perfectly, but I rarely bought chips and things like that.

This post is rather personal, but that's what has been going on with me lately and it's a driving force in the choices that I make now.


Lisa said...

This kind of change is hard, but if anyone can stick to it, you can! I'm sorry to hear about you not feeling well. I hope you start to feel better soon. You just have to find what motivates you. I'm still trying to find my motivator. It's so hard to excercise, but I'm getting there too.

Aimee said...

I hope you are doing ok. Sorry that you have to deal with PCOS. I've heard from alot of people that it is tough but you are tough too. Hang in there.

oldangelgirl said...

Oh, Lizzy. Wow. The Lord must really love you to give you this kind of challenge. Don't you sometimes hate it when He loves you this much? :) You're amazing, and totally up to this. If there's one thing I learned being your companion, it was that when you set your mind to do something it got done. I love you!