Monday, March 23, 2009


I started getting sick last Wednesday afternoon- fever, sore throat, etc and then I get a call from one of my YW's parents saying that she had strep throat...and I was like OH NO!!! Several other people at school have had it too, I think I was doomed. Sure enough, I got it too. I am doing a little better, but I missed Thursday and Friday and I NEVER miss school! I only missed one day last semester and that was due to weather and I didn't miss any school at all during my first semester here.

So I basically spent the last four days on the couch asleep. I am on antibiotics and I think they are working (it's the same stuff I drank gallons of as a child due to my frequent ear infections). I went back to school today and I was dragging but I made it. I don't think I'm going anywhere tonight, though. No energy for FHE. I need my couch back. Here are some photos of what went on in the last four days:

It tried to snow, but melted away thank goodness:
Dad sawed up a fallen tree that had been on the root cellar for some time:
Mariah found a good pillow:

And I got a page done, it had been in Unfinished Limbo Land for awhile:

You like my bfly tin? It holds my glue runners perfectly.
It felt nice to get my page done, though I had really wanted to get more crafting projects done while I was sick. I never seem to have the time I want to do what I want! I was either asleep or other people were monopolizing the table, so that's all I did. I felt bad canceling Mutual on Wednesday and YW yesterday but what can ya do? There were only two girls coming on Wed and no one was coming yesterday so I'll try not to feel too guilty. I'm hoping I mend quickly because there is a YSA conference this weekend that I want to go West Virginia!


oldangelgirl said...

I'll be praying for you dear. West Virginia sounds wonderful! Get better soon!

Parkin Family said...

Sorry to hear you were sick. That's never fun, especially in the winter. I absolutely love that scrapbooking page!