Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sad News

We found out that our good friend back home, John Carey, was hit by a drunk driver and killed early Sunday morning as he was delivering newspapers in his little car. He was 42. He leaves behind young children from his first marriage and he had only been married to Karrie (a very sweet LDS woman) for barely a year. Attending their wedding was one of the last things we did before moving to PA.

John was a mechanic, and he was one of my dad's few friends. They had similar personalities- they even showed up wearing the same Christmas tie at church in 2006. It's a big loss for everyone, especially his family.

Sadly, Karrie's son (who is preparing to leave on a mission soon) witnessed the whole accident- he was following behind John's car that morning. It could have been worse- apparently John often took his children with him while delivering papers.

We're sad that we are not able to attend the funeral. I'm very thankful for the Holy Ghost that comforts people when I can't be there to do so.

John's death reminds us that 1) death can happen at any time and 2) we need to live life to the fullest.

Perhaps that old wive's tale of death coming in threes is true- this makes the third death in our old Enumclaw ward in a very short amount of time. We haven't had someone die in that ward in forever and now three????


Parkin Family said...

It was a shocker when my mom called and told me about John. The saddest is his stepson witnessing it all. It just makes you step back and look at your own life. Life is short! I larned that with my dad's death. This is just another reminder. 3 deaths from the word? Who else? I heard about Bro. Deveraux.

Marleen said...

I'm so sorry for his family. So sorry for yours as well. I'm sure your dad is broken up about this. The gospel can be such a cure all in so many ways.