Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Family Fun (part 2)

Here are more from the show:

my favorite:
We saw this kid's coat in the store window that night- How cute is that? Where do I get one for me?
After the gallery, mom and I shopped in an antique store- and fell in love with this vintage 30's quilt top- more on this later
On Saturday we went to the Crawford County Fair- Laura opted not to come and missed out! We saw some exotic animals:

This ostrich looked like an audioanimatronic!
Pretty quilts
I saw an elephant show that was pretty good. They look like they are taken care of ok.
Yes, that's the handler in the elephant's MOUTH!!!

Pretty rides, I didn't go on any cause of my bad neck

And fireworks!
A busy, hot, tiring, but fun weekend.

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