Thursday, August 21, 2008


I start school on Aug 25th but I'm there today buying books and getting my parking pass (which was such a pain!) so I thought I'd post some pics. Stay tuned, they'll be more to come of my summer! I'm excited to finally have access to computers that work and finally post some pics!
"The world is a kaleidoscope of color....(Disney's Wonderful World of Color theme song- I have boomer parents)"
On a different note, here's my latest acquisition:

I bought this chair (cause I really need furniture- not! We have all this inheirited furniture and stuff that was left by the previous owners) last week at the flea market for $9! Usually chairs that price are really wobbly but this one is in good shape and is really sturdy. I don't know whether to keep the finish or refinish it or paint it white- I usually prefer original surfaces (unless it's really ugly) and I generally like it when something looks "loved". For instance, I prefer beat-up antique box cameras to pristine ones. But this chair's finish is kind of streaky and flaking off, so I don't know what I'll do. Now I just need a desk! I've never had my own desk (except as a missionary and I loved it!) so maybe one of these days I'll live that dream. I finally got a bookcase when we moved!

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