Monday, August 25, 2008

Hill Cumorah Pageant

I wasn't able to show pics when I went with the YSA to see The Hill Cumorah Pageant in July. It's a long drive to Palmyra (close to four hours and that's our temple, too!) but it was an amazing show. The spirit was very strong. The costumes and effects were incredible, and the whole thing was impressive (the cast was in the hundreds!). For those who don't know, the pageant depicts stories and scenes from the Book of Mormon. I was hoping to run into people from Connecticut that I would know (it would be very likely) but I didn't recognize anyone. Since pageant is like the one thing that you western mormons don't have access to, I had to brag and show these pics:

The stage and audience
Me with the Three Wise Men
Lehi's Vision of the Tree of LifeSamuel the Lamanite

The Waters of Mormon
Christ Visits the Americas
Joseph Smith with the Book of Mormon Prophets

1 comment:

Beth said...

Looks like it was fun! Hope young womens is going well for you! I had my first week in yw yesterday, and i am going to have about 5 girls on average in my mia maid class! im excited! have hte ingram girls been around lately? i hope so!