Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Laura's kitty Spice passed away on March 18. I waited til now to memorialize her because I had to find a photo to scan.

Spice and her brother Hobbes:

Technically she was Laura's, but she was a member of the family- she was the oldest of our 7 kitties. Spice was 17, the same age as some of my YW! She was active and pretty healthy up until the end. We think she had a stroke- all of a sudden she couldn't really move, especially one side. She got some movement back a couple of days later (we kept her inside) and took her to the vets for an IV and observation. She passed away there.

I've spent more of my life with Spice than without her. I was about 12 when we got her and her brother Hobbes (who was "mine"). She witnessed and survived alot in her years with us. She evacuated with us in 95 when there was the forest fire behind our house. She made the move to Newport, WA and then back home when we lived in Eastern WA during my senior year of high school. She made it to Pennsylvania, surviving a plane ride and a long drive from Detroit to here in very hot weather. She was a tough cookie, but was always sweet and friendly.

She was a caring sister to Hobbes- she outlived him by nearly 6 years. When I brought Hobbes home after we had to put him to sleep, she was there on the cars hollering at me. I was carrying his body in his basket and she patted him with her paw. They loved to play and wrestle and sneak up on each other, they were so funny. I imagine that is what they are doing now.

One of the funny stories about her was when we had Puppy (our first dog), she would lie on a corner of his bed...and he'd scoot over to avoid her. And she'd scoot over some more. And he'd scoot over more, too. And before you knew it, she had commandeered the whole bed and was lying in the middle of this huge bed. So funny. A total takeover.

She was old and in pain and so I'm not terribly sad that she's gone, but we do miss her. We buried her over by our ponds in a nice spot.

Spicecat, thanks for being a sweet and loving part of our family for so long. We miss you and we'll see you again someday.


Ryan and Rachel said...

What a great memorial post. I love how our animals become part of the family and we gain memories with them just like we would anyone else. :) Please pass along a hug to you and your sister from me. Losing a loved one is never matter how furry they are. :)

.....and I loved the takeover story.

oldangelgirl said...

I am about to cry. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am not looking forward to the day when my cat goes. He's 15 and still doing well, so I pray it won't be anytime soon. My heart goes out to you and Laura.