Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dan & Sissy

Way back when on December 19th I took these photos for people that I know through YSA. Dan and Sissy originally weren't going to have a photographer (First Ame, now Dan and Sissy, what gives? Why bother if you aren't going to get good photos out of it? Ha ha) but we struck a deal- they got pics, I got experience with my new DSLR (not many marry out here) and I also got to add to my portfolio. It was fun doing this since I haven't shot a wedding since '06! Now that I have a DSLR, I'd like to get back into my photography business- it kinda took a backseat cause I couldn't afford to upgrade to a nice digital camera.

I even got to attend their sealing, it was very sweet. I haven't seen one since 2006 (Yay John and Nancy!) so it was nice to be able to hear those sweet words that bind families for eternity.
I took photos after their sealing, Sissy didn't bring her gown to the temple, hence the black coat and boots. It's hard to photograph people in the snow-everything turned out really gray. Thank goodness for Photoshop! A tweak here and a tweak there does wonders.

I took over 400 photos that day, so I can't show them all, but here's a few:

Loved the nativity outside the temple, what a cute Christmas card:
They had a ring ceremony later that day at the church building two hours away in Fredonia, NY. Neither had family at the sealing, just a few friends attended that.

Yep, they had a Hummer, lol.

Sometimes long exposures can be cool:

Their cakes were pretty, the reception had (of course) a Christmas theme:
Her train:

The guest book:

The beautiful bride:

The reception was at The White Inn in Fredonia. Quite a lovely building:

Hope they live Happily Ever After. They are cute together.

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