Friday, January 22, 2010

Winter Break

I had a fairly decent New Year's, I spent the evening with a few YSA and our leaders. There were more leaders than us, but we had a good time playing games and stuffing our faces. Everyone wore a party hat or crown. It was fun to watch the New Year's countdown on tv cause I haven't watched that in a couple years (we don't have tv!). But where did I really want to be? At the big fancy New Year's dance in Seattle with my friends. I scoured around but none of the other "nearby" {snort} stakes out here were doing anything.

Laura, me, KL and Michelle:

Hank was festive too:

After New Year's, it snowed a TON! Like feet of snow in a couple of days. I went a little (okay, a LOT) crazy from cabin fever but managed to get out a couple of times. It also didn't help that my family kept passing several diseases around so you were either sick or tending to someone else.

Cemetery in Erie:

Laura with Grant in Erie

Snowy berries:

This barn by the post office is a good backdrop:

Laura feeding the neighbor's swan & ducks:

Me by the fallen apple tree:

Don't you love my new hat? Gotta love clearance at Fashion Bug! I wear it all the time. And I'm not a hat person!

Since these photos, our snow has condensed down to six inches of grainy ice, it's become quite hazardous to your health to walk outside. I really like my ice cleats! It's all dirty out too, no more clean pretty snow. I am starting to become Eskimo-like with all the different words for snow that I now have!
Break was also spent planning final preparations for our YSA conference...which we are hosting this weekend! A lot to do since there are so few YSA in our stake these days, but I think we'll have fun. Stay tuned for pics and wish me luck!

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