Friday, January 8, 2010


Like I said, Christmas was really nice. We had a nice day together.

Here's how our tree turned out (it's so perfectly shaped that we were asked if it was fake, ha ha!):

I got a couple of new birds, loved the rufflebutt on this one:

I also bought this sewing basket ornament in honor of all my sewing this year:

This metal carousel is one of my faves:

I like to wrap presents creatively- this was a Nightmare Before Christmas dvd!

I got a good haul- Bathroom Reader book and Sesame Street dvds!

Wire mini dress form for my crafty area (I'll get one someday!):

A hardcover PP&Zombies! Now with 30% more zombies!

Fabric from my Grandmother:

We like to give vintage goodies to each other- I found this lusterware salt and pepper set for my mom. We like lusterware, we inherited a tea set. It's unusual to find this blue color, most is peach or green.

Dad got some fffff...fudge (one of the funniest pieces of merchandising to come from that movie!):
We got a yodeling pickle, that's right:

Cute moose basket from relatives in Alaska:

It came with Slug Butter, lol!
"The Yummy Spread That Slimes Your Bread"
Lars helped Laura open presents:

Bought Mom & myself a stereoscope card from the Keystone Viewing Company (we went to the museum last summer) that depicts the damage from the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.

Also bought Mom a vintage pansy dresser scarf (she loves vintage textiles and pansies!):

I embroidered a train dishtowel for Dad, he does the cooking around here:

Yummy cinnamon rolls, our tradition:

Later that day Mom and I fed the neighbor's swan and ducks:

There were also deer very close to the house, they were fun to watch.
In all it was a nice day with my family, and I got a nice haul! ;)

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