Monday, July 6, 2009

Hugs and Marshmallows

My dear friend Nancy drove out from Connecticut to see me for 4th of July weekend, which was such a treat. I haven't seen her since 2006. Nancy and I became close when I was a missionary out there and regularly keep in touch. It was fun for her to see where we live and to meet my family. Everyone had a great time together. She arrived on Thursday and left early on Sunday to get back home.

At Clear Lake by our fave restaurant, The Dutch Treat:
Saw some deer in our field:
On Friday I showed her my campus and took her to Presque Isle; we ate at a cute diner:

At the lighthouse:

At Perry Point; Captain Perry was instrumental out here in the War of 1812:

We got rained on, but fireworks were great:

Gotta love a small, redneck town:

We watched a parade in Corry on Saturday- pure Americana:

My sis Laura was in the parade:

pretty horses:

How cute is this?

Cute clowns:

The Corry marching band:

Afterwards we walked around booths on the green:

Mom with Nancy- digging mint and forget me nots for Nancy to take home:

And us on the bridge at my house:

I'm really thankful that everything went so well and that I am blessed to know such wonderful people.


1 comment:

oldangelgirl said...

Nan must have been in heaven! It looks like her kind of vacation. :) That first picture of the two of you brought back memories...