Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Verify Me

Sometimes I find the words in the verification box to be funny, does anyone else pay attention to them? I'm probably the only one. This recent one cracked me up:

It has my name in it! Does it have a double meaning? Do I defile things? Ha ha.
Probably someone could come up with a good Balderdash sort of game where you have to make up a definition for the verification word.
I think I get good random points for this post, Angela would be proud...


Lisa said...

That's so funny. I often laugh at those words.

My verification for the comment was:


My balderdash definition for it would be:

An expensive italian stuffed pasta with mushrooms.

oldangelgirl said...

I LOVE looking at the verification words. I've had some doozers, too. It's the linguist coming out in me. And I am very proud of you, dear. :)

my verification word: encytin - as in inciting... That's me!