So, yes I took pictures (and noted the irony) with my digital Kodak!
George Eastman:
The front of his mansion:
In the conservatory (which is in the middle of the house... he later had the mansion split in half and part of it moved so that his conservatory could be 10 feet wider! Can you say money??)
Pretty staircase:
The gardens were lovely:
Here is a camera obscura (an artist's tool for drawing), what the camera was based off of:
This camera took photos on the moon:
And there were other cool cameras to see:
like a 1950's drive in projector:
I went from there to the campgrounds for the conference...and stumbled upon this HUGE antique mall on the would take all day to look through it! There were aisles and aisles of cases. They even provided little slips of paper to write down exactly where you saw something you liked!
Gottta love vintage Strawberry Shortcake:
I then stopped at Mc D' a kick out of the carousel decor!
So I got there, found my campsite, set up my tent and hung out with friends Friday night. We had fun being big kids:
Then on Saturday they turned us loose to see what we wanted in Palmyra. I went and saw stuff I hadn't yet, like the Hill Cumorah visitor's center:
And the flowers outside were lovely:
Then I toured the Grandin Press, where the Book of Mormon was first published. It was interesting to learn about the printing's SO laborious!
There were many of the original paintings of well known church pictures inside the Grandin Press, those were neat to see:
I then found Alvin Smith's grave (Joseph Smith's oldest brother who died at the age of 25)
It looks like the newer stone engulfs the original headstone:
But by the time I came out it was sunny and gorgeous! I think that's a good metaphor for how the temple improves us.
The sacred grove:
I made it back to camp and my tent stayed somewhat dry (which was amazing since it was a $30 Wal-mart tent and it had monsooned that day) but I'd had enough. I just couldn't bring myself to sleep in a damp tent that night. I took down my tent and packed up and drove the three hours home, I got home at about 4am. I was proud of myself for being able to make the trek home okay by myself. I had a really good time that weekend...til pageant was canceled.
The weekend was a trial run for Girl's Camp, I have to say I packed pretty well. Hopefully I'll pack as well for Girl's Camp!
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