Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mr. Froggy

Continuing the wildlife theme, I thought I'd show some pics of a couple od BIG frogs/toads that we've seen. They like to come out at night when we're walking the dogs. When they sit up, their head is 4" off the ground. I think they're cute.

Froggy #1:

And Froggy #2 (seen the other night):

It's fun seeing nature so up close. We see a lot of little frogs too cause of the ponds nearby.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I am SOOOO jealous. I don't know what it is about frogs but I love them. I wish I could catch them and keep them as pets. BUT... Karl and Ty are allergic to furry animals so maybe I am closer to getting one than I think!!!