Thursday, June 18, 2009


One thing that has been cool about moving to Pennsylvania is all the different wildlife that I see on a regular basis. Even though we lived in the forest before, I see more wildlife here and some different types of animals than are in the West. I have a lot of fun trying to photograph them.

Wild turkeys:
a salamander:
Mr. Groundhog:

We see deer all the time in the yard:

and there are crayfish in the stream:

and the chipmunks are cute:

I see a lot of wild bunnies, too:

I don't have a pic of a porcupine, though they are around. And there's muskrats and weasels too. Maybe someday they'll pose for me.


Lisa said...

It's like you live in a zoo. Awesome.

Parkin Family said...

What a great blessing! I miss the wildlife! That's what happens when you buy a house in a cul-de-sac.