Monday, February 23, 2009

Snow Conference

So what do you do in your spare time Liz? What do you do for socialization? Ummm, youth activities! It's pretty funny to be on the "grown up" side of things...and it's pretty funny to both be in the same boat when you are teaching your girls about marriage/childrearing! (That's what our lesson was about yesterday) I spent Friday night and most of Saturday at the Hawthorne Ridge campsite between Edinboro and Erie. All us youth and leaders were housed in some pretty nice cabins, it was a great location for Snow Conference. On Friday night we had a dance, then Saturday was filled with speakers, Iron Chef (secret ingredient: dough), marshmallow guns and fun in the snow. I had one girl, Katie, come and she had a good time too. Several other leaders asked me if I was a leader or a youth, I guess I'll take that as a compliment! It's kindof awkward being an unmarried chaperone- I'm not one of the "marrieds" and I'm not one of the youth, so I'm kindof stuck in the middle, especially at the dance. Thankfully I had my YSA pals Dennis and Bethany to hang out with. The weekend was good practice at being a teenagers!

Marshmallow guns:
Our cabin (shared with Franklin and Warren):
Iron Chef (the kids got to make donuts that were judged):
Main cabin:
Me, Katie and Miranda- we had fun together.

I napped real good when I got home!


Lisa said...

You have more fun in a few months than some people have in a life time!

Beth said...

that looked like it was lots of fun!