Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bad Week, the sequel

So I recover from last week...the car, my mom's eye, the mean comments, etc and was really hoping that things could settle down...but no. We had a major windstorm on Sunday evening and lost power around 9 p.m. And it's stayed off...for three days. There are wires down in two places on our road. Penelec, our power company, promises power tonight, but I don't know if I believe them. They broke their earlier promises. This is the same company that didn't have one single roll of electrical tape between the two large trucks that came to fix our wire when we dug and damaged it in June(they had to leave to go get it and tried to bill us for that hour! As if!).

At least things aren't quite as hard compared to when we had no power in Enumclaw...everything was electric there so we were without heat, stove, water, etc when there was no power. The mobile that is on the back chunk of our mobile has a generator attached to it, so we go down there to shower. We have a wood stove and our stove here is propane so we can warm/cook for ourselves. We had to ferry our food from the house's fridge to the mobile's fridge. I am thankful for these amenities because otherwise I would be one stinky/hungry person!

So it's been kind of a crazy, stressful week. There are still trees down everywhere in the area (we lost two that we know of) and there were trees down on our road on Monday- I had to find a different route to school. I haven't gotten much sleep due to the craziness and I'm tired. I went shoe shopping yesterday after school- why go home to a dark house?

In better news, I'm going to Pittsburgh this weekend (first time!) for a big YSA conference. Julie B. Beck, the General Relief Society President, will be there in person and speak to us on Saturday. I'm excited for that. I'm going with my two friends, Tiffany and Ame, from my YSA group here. I hope it's a good weekend!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Um... you poor thing. It's weeks like this that make you want chocolate.

Glad your still alive and kickin though!