Monday, July 7, 2008

Birdie Mama

On Friday we discovered a little baby robin that had fallen from the nest- we put it back only to have it get kicked out again. What do you do? We made a little nest for him and put him in a cat carrier...he was getting pretty big- it would only be a matter of days before he would fly away. Oh, how I wanted him to fly away. I spent two days feeding him worms (we all have hidden talents-mine is with worms) only to have him die late Saturday night. I cried all night. He had been doing so well, what happened? Did I do something wrong? I really hope not. I really tried with him. Hopefully one day I'll do better with something from my own species.

Sometimes things don't happen how you want. Sometimes the bird dies. I couldn't help but think of how Heavenly Father knows every fallen sparrow. He knows mine. Heavenly Father knows everything that is going on. I have a few pictures of baby birdie but I didn't want to post them.


Lisa said...

I'm sorry you had to go through that. But it's nice to have opportunities to love, even when you have to say goodbye.

Marleen said...

Growing up in Reno, NV, there were plenty of opportunities as a child and young teen to help nurse the local birds and animals.

I had an over hang outside my window where every year birds would build their nests and lay eggs. Every year there would be one or two baby birds that would fall from the nest. We would always give the babies our idea of top notch nursing care.

As far as I can remember we only had one that survived. I have to say though, it was worth it. The birds would have died in a harsher setting without us. We provided nice food and a warm bed.

I have felt your loss before and I'm truly sorry. You are amazingly sensitive to such sweet life lessons that Heavenly Father has given us. Thank you for sharing.