Monday, July 21, 2008

The big 2-8

I didn't want to turn 28 today. I didn't even want to be 27! I went out to lunch with my mom and sis today. My dad is still out of town, he may come home this weekend- we were planning on doing something more exciting for my birthday with him. I go to girl's camp next week, or I may be out of luck for doing fun for my birthday. I really wish I had friends to go do something with! Everyone from YSA lives far away. Sigh...

Why is it that everything that is supposed to be fun in reality stinks? Birthdays make that list!

The library computers are still acting up...I have to go to Edinboro in August to buy books/etc so I plan on uploading some pics then. Stay tuned!


Lisa said...

Wahoo! Happy Birthday to You!

Going out to lunch is fun. Sometimes birthday's are over rated. We don't do anything very big for ours.

Sweet and Simple is nice.

Marleen said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe we are getting older. It's starting to freak me out how close we are to 30. You are right. Birthday's are sometimes over rated. I hope you did something you wanted to do.

ST said...

You're still young and single, you need to have fun on your birthday. Once your married and have kids, your birthday seem to go by without notice. So please try and do something, for me, the old married friend. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Parkin Family said...

The big 28! I agree with Sunny. You are young and single. Wait till the big 30! I hope you were able to have a fun time with your family. Happy Late Birthday!