Friday, February 11, 2011

PA Life

I find myself doing a lot of stuff I never had to back home.

Like lug firewood around. A lot.

We only have a woodstove to heat with now.

It's been a bad winter, we've used most of the wood on our back porch.

Which means...

....taking an entire Saturday to move more wood.

Step 1: Dig a 35 foot trench through 3 feet of hard crusty snow so that you can reach the woodpile:

Step 2: Photograph the snow bridge that defies gravity:

And don't forget to document the "pouf" on top of the log:

Step 3: Dig a trench through the deep snow on either side of the pile so that you can reach the woodpile.

Step 4: Clear the foot and a half of crusty snow off of the pile.

Step 5: Redig your trench.

Step 6: Try to undo frozen knots in rope that holds down the cover on woodpile.

Step 7: Have you and Mom lift off a huge heavy piece of galvanized roofing material to reach the wood. Slice your ring and glove and almost slice your hand with the sharp edge.


Step 8: Have Dad jack up the truck and switch regular tires for ones with chains on them:

Step 9: Lug several loads of firewood via wheelbarrow while waiting for Dad to finish with the truck:

Step 10: Photograph the bare ground where the truck had been. Treasure the memory- you haven't seen the ground since Thanksgiving.

Step 11: Shovel out the three feet of hard crusty snow that lies in the bed of the truck:

Step 12: Climb up in the bed of the truck and shovel most of it out.

Step 13: Relay many many logs into said back of truck. Pray truck doesn't get stuck in driveway. Move truck by house.  

Step 14: Relay said many many logs from driveway onto back porch.

Step 15: Have Mom model her fabulous hairdo.

Step 16: Kick her off her 'bench' and fill it up with many many pieces of wood.

Step 17: Hurt so bad the next day that you can't function.

Step 18: Document your pain so that you have plenty of stories to tell the next generation: "When I was your age..."

Oh and did I mention that it rained and snowed on us all day and was freezing cold?

1 comment:

oldangelgirl said...

Ho- ly- poo!! You are superwoman!!