Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Coming Soon to a store near you...

I often joke that I want to write a handbook for Old Marrieds on how to deal with us YSA (cause we're a different species, don't ya know).

In my frustrations in dealing with people, I decided to turn my pain around...into something funny.

So here we go- the books I long to write:

And then I decided that us singles needed books too:

We need to educate the young people so that these prejudices don't continue:

{I started laughing so hard I was crying when I thought of that last one in my car.}

Keep an eye out- if things keep going as they are then one day these will be at your local church bookstore ;)


oldangelgirl said...

LOL!!! Cats!!! I love you, Lizzy! If you need an editor, you just let me know... :) (funny side note - the 'non-word' that I had to type to make sure I was human in order to post this: unrat. The funny part: un rat = a rat in French!)

Rachel {RandR Workshop} said...

Bahahaha These are hilarious Liz!
The cats one is soo funny :)
You have a great sense of humor!

Rachel {RandR Workshop} said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

That's so funny!

Aimee said...

You are so funny!!! girl....what am I going to do with you?!?!

Stefanie said...

I'm curious what the deleted comment said..haha it!