Friday, October 22, 2010

I Love: Fall Edition

I do love fall. How can you not? At the very least, the humidity's down!
I thought it would be fun to turn the "I love" concept into a's a good way to show all the random photos that I take. So here we go:

I love...

 ...people's displays of pumpkins for sale.
I drive by this every day on the way to school and when I got out to take the picture a big chocolate lab came barreling down the driveway to come love me!

I love...

... Mom's homemade apple fritters. YUM!
 ...the red and yellow corn we grew this year.

 ...and chocolate cupcakes with orange frosting!

I love...

...carving pumpkins with the YSA. Did a fence with a kitty and a moon.

I love...
 ...seeing wildlife, like the flocks of turkeys just down from the house.

I love...

...the bright blue skies and pretty trees.
The lighting this time of year is lovely.

I love...

...butterflies with spiderweb designs (I think these came from Michael's).

I love...

...tinsel spiderwebs from the dollar store.

I love...
...having homegrown pumpkins and cornstalks on our front porch!

I do not love...what will be coming soon!
Time to find my hats and gloves and snow shovels.

What do you love about this time of year?

1 comment:

Rachael said...

any old time you want to post that apple fritters recipe... you just go right on ahead :)