In all we had 55 Nativity sets from the members of our branch, including all the little ones. It was fun to see all the ones that everyone owned. It was also fun to dig out all of ours, we don't always have room to display them all in our home at Christmas.
My porcelain one I brought home from Utah (one of my faves):
This set is from Africa and it's owner didn't know why Mary was larger and not to scale. I was all "I know! I know!" because I learned in art history that often size denotes importance in African art and that is why Mary is larger. This set is carved from soapstone and I really liked its style.
This set was pretty, too:
It was a challenge to find this one of mine, but a lot of people liked it:
We had the nearest missionaries come as well (Corry has not had its own missionaries for a year now, please appreciate yours if you have them!) and one even played the violin for us, it was beautiful. Mom was pretty much in charge of this event and relied on me to help her (while I was helping with the two other parties!) so I was busy. People really liked it and I wouldn't be surprised if we did this again in the future.
One of our members works at the local paper, he is having a story and photos about it printed in the community page of the local paper. An event like this is a great way to try to involve the community.
We watched the broadcast from Salt Lake that evening too, it was so nice to hear the speakers and the choir. Last year church was canceled on that day due to snow so we missed the broadcast too. I've come to really enjoy the broadcast in recent years.
I feel very merry this season, I love it. I love singing Christmas carols. The other day I was in Sparty and the little white church's bells were ringing Christmas carols on the hour. It was so beautiful that I just wanted to cry. I feel so blessed.
I remember when you got that porcelain nativity set!! I was there, wasn't I? I'm getting to old to remember all the details... :)
You think you're getting old? Lol! Yes, it was the trip when Nan and John got sealed. You may not have been there when I bought it because I recall being with Nan and John after they picked me up and I think it was then that we went to the mall and looked in the church bookstore. Nan and John were looking for a picture or memorabilia to commemorate the weekend. It all blends together into one happy memory.
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