Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Big Kid

Did you have these blocks at school when you were a kid? I loved playing with these geometric blocks when I was in kindergarten, it was so fun to make patterns and designs. I always was fascinated with how all those shapes fit together and all the things you could do with them. These days we've been using them in math class while doing stuff with fractions and while my teacher blah blah blahs, I like to horse around at my table and make patterns. And since I have a camera on my person 95% of the time, I can share these patterns with you.

With and without the orange blocks:

I liked this "flower":


I liked the "wheat" coming off the corners:

Some of these would make interesting quilt patterns (especially the "wheat" one), though they'd be impossible to sew! Nowadays these blocks are made out of plastic instead of wood like the ones I had in kindergarten. One of these days I'll totally get a set for myself, just gotta find an educational catalog for kids. It's fun to play around and see what you can make- totally a creativity booster!

I'm totally a big kid, playing with blocks...


Stefanie said...

I loved these when I was a kid!!!

oldangelgirl said...

You know, those designs would look pretty cool as stained glass, too. Do you know how to do that? I'm sure it wouldn't take you too long to figure it out... :)

Elizabeth said...

My aunt has done stained glass for years, maybe one of these days I'll go to Alaska and she can teach me. I think learning how to do stained glass would be fun.