Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Newest Arrival

I figured I should start with the biggest change around here- Laura got her latest guide dog puppy to raise a week ago (perfectly timed to when I was the most sick!). His name is Grant and he's now 10 weeks old. So far, he's a pretty good dog. We've already taught him how to sit and how to walk on a leash. It's been a crazy week getting used to a puppy (and having our three other dogs get used to him too!) but we're surviving. He actually sleeps pretty good at night now.

As you can see, he's pretty stinkin' cute. And good thing- Laura's dog projects drive me crazy. This is dog #4 that she's raised. The last one, Cody (a collie), was a total pill and I hated hated hated that dog. And I like dogs! Cody never obeyed and ate everything in sight (including my mom's dress at church!). He didn't like being told what to do and had dominance issues. He was mortifying to have at church. But actually I think Laura's training methods drove me crazier- she wasn't consistent with him and let him get away with alot. Let's just say I have been enjoying my peace of mind the last few months since we gave him back to Freedom Guide Dogs..
Oh and don't ask me how but Cody was the only one so far to make it as a guide- a couple of weeks ago he was placed with a man who's high up in the blind community in NY. This group out here is a lot less picky about the dogs than the Guide Dogs organization back home. So now I have to deal with my mom and sis bragging about what Cody's doing now as well as having to listen to everyone at church tell my sister what a good job she did (so hard not to roll my eyes!).
What drives me crazy about raising dogs is that I don't get much input since it isn't my project- but I get to deal with all the consequences! Her dogs have often woken me up at night and doing anything in public takes forever when you've got a dog with you. And somehow I wind up puppy-sitting and having to help out even though I didn't sign up for this. Drives me crazy. I've already had to puppy-sit 3 times this week.
So I'm crossing my fingers that this dog works out and doesn't drive me crazy...wish me luck!

1 comment:

oldangelgirl said...

Good luck! He is really adorable, though. How can you dislike a face like that? :)