Friday, May 8, 2009

For Reals

I love it when it becomes real Spring- no worries of snow, the birds are out, the trees are leafing out, the frogs come out after it rains, the grass is turning green...we've made a lot of progress in the last two weeks. It's so nice to see real life outside after such a long winter.

Some robins have built a low nest, love the color!
The Bleeding Hearts are blooming- I love them cause they remind me of home:

The rock wall looks good with daffodils and allysum:

and there are several types of violets (big, small, light and dark) everywhere in the grass, so cute!

So what else is going on? Well, we have a really really old piano in the middle of the living room:

My parents rescued it from the neighbors (who left it outside in the rain!) and got help to get it to our house. I was really irritated at my parents- we don't have room for a piano in our 900 sq ft house (!!!!) but darn it, I like how old it is. I didn't want to like it. It looks cool, especially the inside. We've never owned a piano before, but my dad wants to learn how to play. The plan is to moves some stuff and put it behind the couch, but that hasn't happened yet. Despite getting wet, it still plays.
I relaxed a lot this week, which was nice. I sorted through some papers (yay me!) and today I'm going to the Erie Art Museum to see their annual Spring Show. I guess I have to start doing real stuff soon! I'm hoping to help my mom unpack/dejunk our storage.
Happy Real Spring, everyone!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

You take the most beautiful pictures!