Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winter Quarters

Yep, told you all I do is go to conferences! I didn't really even unpack from the last one! Last weekend I was a chaperone at the youth's Snow Conference. I was plenty tired by the end (you try sleeping in a cabin full of teenage girls!) but it was fun and spiritual. I always have fun being a big kid! I was going to have two YW with me but one bailed (got sick) so it was just Laureen and I. She met a boy that weekend that was just as into her as she was into him...how does that happen? Still foreign to me, ha ha.

We started off Friday night with square dancing, which was so fun to watch. The youth did a really great job and had a fun time. The man they brought in to orchestrate the dancing did a really nice job. It's hip to be square! I'm a big geek, I love stuff like this and should have participated more instead of taking photos. Story of my life...

They had a regular dance afterwards but no one danced much since they were so worn out!

On Saturday the youth had workshops- this weekend was in preparation for this summer's Pioneer Trek so I spent three hours bent over a table supervising teenagers cutting out fabric for bonnets. Ouch! I also lugged around three sewing machines in and out of the building, got some muscle there!

The youth also had a station playing games and another station outside where they were sawing boards and using a sander to create pieces for the handcarts this summer.

After lunch, the youth pulled a big sled (mush! mush!) around part of the lake and back. We had a lovely day for it, the sun was bright and it was warm. Well, warm for us.
The main cabin:

Pulling the sled:

One of the girls was recovering from a sprained ankle so she got to ride:

There were several points where they stopped and had a little devotional about the pioneers, it was very nice. It was a nice hike in the snow, I enjoyed it. We also had another devotional once inside and we also practiced some pioneer hymns with the different parts so that the youth can sing them during trek. Once we got together and sang, it sounded amazing! I'm always thankful for spiritual uplifts like these conferences. YW is a wonderful place to be.

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