Monday, October 12, 2009


History class was insane on Friday. Things were going fine, until....

This girl interrupted the teacher mid-sentence to ask what she had just said...and when teacher didn't answer her right away (this girl does this often), Student A got majorly mad. She started yelling and accused the teacher of playing favorites, of answering everyone's questions except hers. Well you know what? They raise their hands and wait to get called on! My teacher didn't yell back, but kept trying to tell her to see her in her office, stuff like that. Then there was some majorly awkward silence and finally my teacher went back to her lecture, on all things, the Revolutionary War.

But it kept on snowballing...

A little while later, my teacher used what had just happened as an example for her lecture...the girl had tried to embarrass her just like the colonists had tried to embarrass the king. Well what do you think happened??? Of course the girl got all mad and mouthy again. Kept on yelling. I don't think the teacher should have used her as an example, but you can be more grown up about the whole thing.

My teacher doesn't have her phone with her, she then leaves at this point to call the campus police from her office. It's just down the hall but it took forever.

Somewhere in there while the teacher is gone, this girl starts barking at the class, asking us (there's like 50 people stuffed in this little room) if we were bothered by all this....everyone was pretty silent but a few of us, including myself answered "yes". I said it very calmly. I was proud of myself that I had stated my opinion, as I am usually chicken with bullies.

Well another girl said "yes" with way too much gusto, practically hissing with anger. And this hissing girl is a Major History Nerd. Now I'm a geek and I enjoy history and all, but I don't show up to class wearing a Northern side Civil War soldiers hat almost every class. I kid you not! She sits front and center every class, and it really didn't help that day that she had brought in replica colony money to show the class, majorly upping the nerd factor that day. Well Angry Girl tore into Civil War Girl with all kinds of insults and swearing and this seemed to continue on for what seemed like forever. Civil War Girl pretty much just took it, didn't talk back.

My teacher walks back in to see Angry Girl still up in front, cussing out Civil War Girl...and just lets it keep happening. Angry Girl finally leaves...and just when you think it's all done, she walks back in to keep yelling and cussing some more at this girl (who I think might be a little autistic). Finally she left for good.

A few minutes later, campus police finally showed up (took too long in my opinion...the station is pretty close, they should have been here sooner), saw that the girl had left and then left. This does not instill much confidence in our campus police...they should have come running as this could have turned into something really nasty.

Anyhow, I had a good weekend, but couldn't help but stew a bit over all of this. I'm hoping to take some lessons away from all this and thought they could help others, too, especially if you are trying to be a teacher like I am.

1) My teacher probably should have just repeated what she said to shut this girl up, thereby avoiding all of this whole mess.

2) If someone doesn't like what you did, you need to explain why you acted that way. If my teacher wasn't intending to single her out but instead didn't like her interrupting, then she needed to state that before this girl took it personally.

3) Teacher, please have your phone in class...I really didn't like being left alone in that situation while you called the police.

4) When you come back and one student is cursing out another, make her stop! It's your classroom, for crying out loud!

5) Don't be stupid and then use her as an example while she is sitting right there! Of course she's going to get all mad again!! Hello!?

6) Don't let things snowball, get control and nip it in the bud.

7) You get more respect if you do not become a tasmanian devil when you do not get your way...stay calm! Be a grown up!

Clearly this girl isn't used to not getting things her way, and I assume she feels the world should revolve around her. I couldn't help but note the irony that as she yelled and cussed over not getting any respect, that she in turn was disrespecting our teacher and the rest of us way worse then what she was dealt. Somebody really really needs to grow up. I really do feel sorry for anyone who had to help her in Does she think she is ever going to get a job with those people skills???

I don't know if I would have called the campus police if I had been the teacher, I probably would have just made her leave the class...and not let her come back. You're gonna explode and treat people like this? Well you can just flunk this class! Who needs that crap?

The biggest irony of all? Our teacher is fairly repetitive (and it's been 6 weeks, we know this by now!) so all she would have had to do was listen for another minute and her issue would have been resolved. Sigh!

I was pretty irritated at having at least half my classtime consumed with all of this. Was I super excited to have a history lesson? No, but I didn't haul my butt out of bed for that! It was really unpleasant to have to listen to. I really wanted to say something to her but I didn't, since I'll probably see her again here at some point. I really didn't feel like getting yelled at myself, even though I'm really not scared of this girl. I was glad she didn't show up for class today, who needs more of this?

Who was the biggest idiot in all this? Angry Girl, by far.

Don't let Angry Girl happen to you!

1 comment:

oldangelgirl said...

Holy mackeral! That's insane! All the students at BYU are way too polite and concerned about being "good Mormons" to do anything even remotely like that. Wow. I think another irony of the situation is that Angry Girl was screaming about getting respect, and was losing any respect she might have had from any classmates in the process. Poor, backward child...