Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shuffle Off to Buffalo

Mid June I met up with some of my friends and we shuffled off to Buffalo for a YSA dance. We decided to have some fun and ate at Cheesecake Factory in Buffalo beforehand. We purposely dawdled at the mall so that we’d miss the contra dancing part of the night. Contra dancing is like what you see in Jane Austen movies. We caught the end of them dancing and it was neat to see but I didn’t feel like participating. It was a fun night to dance and hang out. Our friend Jason moved up to Buffalo so it was nice to see him and he debuted his signature jig dance (done to “I Would Walk 500 Miles”) to the Buffalo peeps.

Raelena at Cheesecake Factory:

Fun, funky store decor at Forever 21 (Ten years ago I wanted to have my own funky store like this! I am ahead of my time!):

 Laura, Raelena, Kaitlyn, me, and our Canadian friend Jason!

And two weeks after the 18 year old danced with me in Kirtland, yet another cute 18 year old asked me to dance! I made a point just to talk about college, maybe he thought I was like 24? Two 18 year olds in two weeks? I’m going to get a cougar reputation!

Buffalo is 2.5 hours from my house- that’s how far I have to go to get to dances and have fun! Arrgh!

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