Monday, July 18, 2011

A Walk With Mom

Not long after I got out of school for the summer, Mom and I wound up exploring the back part of the property. With 70 acres, there’s parts I haven’t seen. We knew of a path but hadn’t walked it and decided to find it.

It was cool and overcast out and threatening to rain, which is my favorite kind of weather. What can I say? I’m a Washingtonian.

But first we walked up the driveway and saw the neighbor’s lilac bush. It was lovely and had a heavenly scent. We also admired the other neighbor’s pond and ducks.

Mom discovered a bird’s nest in the grass, it was neat to see. We’ve never seen that before here.
And then we made it over the stone bridge and through the hidden field- you would never know that a field lies behind the trees.

We then continued down along the treeline.

We reached the stream and made it over a ‘bridge’ made of a big sheet of metal. It’s pretty fun to fjord a stream like that.

Then there’s a smaller stream too further on as well.

The path connects to our big field…and then you walk through and back up to the house via the driveway.

It’s a nice flat walk and a nice length. Long enough for a nice walk but not too long to wear you out. It’s very peaceful.

And a nice way to spend time with Mom.

We saw deer tracks in the mud.

The other thing that I like about it is that you can’t rush the process. You can’t zip along this path. You have to pay attention to your surroundings. You have to take it all in and really experience it. You have to watch your footing most of the way. There’s holes in the rock bridge. The hidden field likes to trip you with weeds. There’s rocks and muddy spots in the grass path. There are trees down in a spot that you have to step over. The waist high grass in the big field slows you down too and its resistance is a good workout.

The next time we walked it, there were speckled eggs in the ground nest.

I was told that the older lady who used to live here would walk that path every day- sunshine or snow. Dedication! And she gets around well.

I’ve walked it now a few times by myself, it’s a nice way to get some exercise and relax at the same time. I enjoy being out in nature. I love all the green and the fresh smells. I really love our property here.

I really love this path, it’s a bit magical.

If you come visit me, I’ll take you for a walk.


Lisa said...

It's like something out of a movie.

oldangelgirl said...

I need to come visit!!! :)

Elizabeth said...

Yes, Angela, do visit! Anybody's welcome ;)